“…Although the presence of the corresponding NH protons The catalytic activities of the newly prepared NCN pincerR h complexes were examined in reactions by using malononitrile, because the previously developed bis(imidazolidine)-derived NCN-Pdc omplex wasf ound to be an efficient catalyst for conjugate addition of malononitrile to nitroalkenes. [11] Utilizing [PhBidine-Rh(OAc) 2 ], which wasg enerated quantitativelyb y treatment of [PhBidine-RhCl 2 ]w ith AgOAc, [4d] the reactionw as smoothly catalyzed at 0 8Ct og ive the product in 30 % ee (20 h, 99 %y ield). In as imilar conjugate addition of malononitrile to (E)-chalcone, thought he pincerR hCl 2 complexes were catalytically inactive, the use of 5mol %[ PhBidine-Rh(OAc) 2 ] gave the Michael adduct in 75 yield with 50 % ee (40 8C, 60 h), whereas 5mol %[ tBu-PhBidine-Rh(OAc) 2 ]g ave the product in 67 %y ield with 70 % ee.A mong the examined reactions, the Mannich reactiono fm alononitrile with N-Boc imines reported by Han and Pan et al…”