The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has mapped the entire sky in five frequency bands between 23 and 94 GHz with polarization-sensitive radiometers. We present 3 year full-sky maps of the polarization and analyze them for foreground emission and cosmological implications. These observations open up a new window for understanding how the universe began and help set a foundation for future observations. WMAP observes significant levels of polarized foreground emission due to both Galactic synchrotron radiation and thermal dust emission. Synchrotron radiation is the dominant signal at l < 50 and P 40 GHz, while thermal dust emission is evident at 94 GHz. The least contaminated channel is at 61 GHz. We present a model of polarized foreground emission that captures the large angular scale characteristics of the microwave sky. After applying a Galactic mask that cuts 25.7% of the sky, we show that the high Galactic latitude rms polarized foreground emission, averaged over l ¼ 4Y6, ranges from %5 K at 22 GHz to P0.6 K at 61 GHz. By comparison, the levels of intrinsic CMB polarization for a ÃCDM model with an optical depth of ¼ 0:09 and assumed tensor-to-scalar ratio r ¼ 0:3 are %0.3 K for E-mode polarization and %0.1 K for B-mode polarization. To analyze the maps for CMB polarization at l < 16, we subtract a model of the foreground emission that is based primarily on a scaling WMAP's 23 GHz map. In the foregroundcorrected maps, we detect l(l þ 1)C EE l¼ 2Y6 h i /2 ¼ 0:086 AE 0:029 (K) 2 . This is interpreted as the result of rescattering of the CMB by free electrons released during reionization at z r ¼ 10:9 þ2:7 À2:3 for a model with instantaneous reionization. By computing the likelihood of just the EE data as a function of we find ¼ 0:10 AE 0:03. When the same EE data are used in the full six-parameter fit to all WMAP data ( TT, TE, EE), we find ¼ 0:09 AE 0:03. Marginalization over the foreground subtraction affects this value by < 0:01. We see no evidence for B modes, limiting them to l(l þ 1)C BB l¼ 2Y6 h i /2 ¼ À0:04 AE 0:03 (K) 2 . We perform a template fit to the E-mode and B-mode data with an approximate model for the tensor scalar ratio. We find that the limit from the polarization signals alone is r < 2:2 (95% CL), where r is evaluated at k ¼ 0:002 Mpc À1 . This corresponds to a limit on the cosmic density of gravitational waves of GW h 2 < 5 ; 10 À12 . From the full WMAP analysis, we find r < 0:55 (95% CL) corresponding to a limit of GW h 2 < 1 ; 10 À12 (95% CL). The limit on r is approaching the upper bound of predictions for some of the simplest models of inflation, r $ 0:3. Subject headingg s: cosmic microwave background -cosmology: observations -polarization Online material: color figure