Aristolochic acids are chemically linked to nitrophenanthrene carboxylic acids
which are found in aristolochia plants. These compounds are intrinsically carcinogenic, while they
have been used in traditional medicine from a long time ago. Despite the beneficial effects of herbals
for treating some diseases, they possess some side effects.
Therefore, the development of a sensitive and selective procedure for the determination of
these harmful components in various complicated samples is an important task for health systems and
drug authorities. In the past years, ultra-pressure liquid chromatography, high performance liquid
chromatography and capillary electrophoresis with different detection systems were used for determination
of aristolochic acids in various samples.
In this review, different analytical methods have been discussed in brief and applications of
them in diverse samples have been summarized.
Different approaches are compared from point of sensitivity, selectivity, and extraction