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ABSTRACTIn order to make GaN devices applicable in power electronics and best exploit the capabilities and advantages of these devices, the authors have been involved in the design and fabrication of a novel high-speed, low power-loss driver IC for 1A, 100V GaN HFET devices. The gate driver IC, developed at the University of South Carolina, provides a convenient and smart way to use GaN devices in power electronics, as well as making it possible to achieve miniaturization, high efficiency, reliability, and low cost for power systems. Publications resulting from this work describe the design of the driver IC, demonstrate the effectiveness of the new driver IC and the GaN HFET devices in power electronics applications. 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER. Enter all contract numbers as they appear in the report, e.g. F33315-86-C-5169.
5b. GRANT NUMBER.Enter all grant numbers as they appear in the report, e.g. AFOSR-82-1234.
5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER.Enter all program element numbers as they appear in the report, e.g. 61101 A.5e. TASK NUMBER. Enter all task numbers as they appear in the report, e.g. 05; RF0330201; T4112.5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER. Enter all work unit numbers as they appear in the report, e.g. 001; AFAPL30480105.
AUTHOR(S). Enter name(s) of person(s)responsible for writing the report, performing the research, or credited with the content of the report. The form of entry is the last name, first name, middle initial, and additional qualifiers separated by commas, e.g. Smith, Richard, J, Jr.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBEREnter all unique alphanumeric report numbers assigned by the performing organization, e.g. BRL-1234; AFWL-TR-85-4017-Vol-21-PT-2.
SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES).Enter the name and address of the organization(s) financially responsible for and monitoring the work.
SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S). Enter, ifavailable, e.g. BRL, ARDEC, NADC.
SPONSOR/MONITORS REPORT NUMBER(S).Enter report number as assigned by the sponsoring/ monitoring agency, if available, e.g. BRL-TR-829; -215.
OBJECTIVESThe goal of this project was to develop a wide-bandwidth power converter that could serve as the power interface between a simulation platform and real functioning power hardware. Two technologies were investigated; 1) the mathematical basis for correct and stable operation of power hardware in the loop, including experimental verification, and 2) methods for actually implementing the needed very wideband power interfaceThe first investigation involves de...