In recent years, there has been
a high interest
in researching
RNA modifications, as they are involved in many cellular processes
and in human diseases. A substantial set of enzymes within the cell,
called RNA writers, place RNA modifications selectively and site-specifically.
Another set of enzymes, called readers, recognize these modifications
which guide the fate of the modified RNA. Although RNA is a transient
molecule and RNA modification could be removed by RNA degradation,
a subclass of enzymes, called RNA erasers, remove RNA modifications
selectively and site-specifically to alter the characteristics of
the RNA. The detection of RNA modifications can be done by various
methods including second and next generation sequencing but also mass
spectrometry. An approach capable of both qualitative and quantitative
RNA modification analysis is liquid chromatography coupled to mass
spectrometry of enzymatic hydrolysates of RNA into nucleosides. However,
for successful detection and quantification, various factors must
be considered to avoid biased identification and inaccurate quantification.
In this Account, we identify three classes of errors that may distort
the analysis. These classes comprise (I) errors related to chemical
instabilities, (II) errors revolving around enzymatic hydrolysis to
nucleosides, and (III) errors arising from issues with chromatographic
separation and/or subsequent mass spectrometric analysis.
prominent example for class 1 is Dimroth rearrangement of m1A to m6A, but class 1 also comprises hydrolytic
reactions and reactions with buffer components. Here, we also present
the conversion of m3C to m3U under mild alkaline
conditions and propose a practical solution to overcome these instabilities.
Class 2 errors–such as contaminations in hydrolysis reagents
or nuclease specificities–have led to erroneous discoveries
of nucleosides in the past and possess the potential for misquantification
of nucleosides. Impurities in the samples may also lead to class 3
errors: For instance, issues with chromatographic separation may arise
from residual organic solvents, and salt adducts may hamper mass spectrometric
quantification. This Account aims to highlight various errors connected
to mass spectrometry analysis of nucleosides and presents solutions
for how to overcome or circumnavigate those issues. Therefore, the
authors anticipate that many scientists, but especially those who
plan on doing nucleoside mass spectrometry, will benefit from the
collection of data presented in this Account as a raised awareness,
toward the variety of potential pitfalls, may further enhance the
quality of data.