Time and frequency quality "parable to the best laboratories has been demonstrated on an integrated system suitable for field application on a global basis. The integration consists of a new commercial primary cesium-beam frequency standard technology, an ensemble algorithm optimally combining the times of these standards, and an optimum filtering of the signal from the GPS satellites.Improved time and frequency metrology tools have become available in the last few years. This paper reports a combination of these tools yielding a system with a globally available frequency accuracy of 2 x lo' l4 with respect to the SI second . In addition this system has a day-to-day time stability of about one nanosecond. The time accuracy of this system is better than 100 11s to UTC and 20 11s to UTC(USN0). In addition, this system has robustness and reliability needed to maintain these fundamental time and frequency units.The first element of the system is an ensemble of new commercially available primary cesium-beam frequency standards with laboratory-like accuracy and long-term stability. [ 11 These standards are insensitive to the environment. As a result, these standards have a long-term frequency stability typically better than 1 x 10-14. The frequency accuracy of these standards has been measured to be better than 2 x Another feature of these frequency standards is that they operate as clocks, and the output time and frequency can be controlled by known amounts so that it agrees with some external standard.The second element of the system is a robust and reliable time-scale algorithm that combines the times of the ensemble of clocks in a near optimum way.[2] The output can be shown to be better than the best physical clock in the system. The reliability is enhanced since the system continues uninterrupted and only slightly degrades in performance should any one of the clocks fail. Part of the robustness of this algorithm is its ability to deal with abnormal clock behavior so that it does not impact the system in a significant way. In addition, this algorithm provides the feedback to each of the clocks in the ensemble so that each has an independent output, but is steered to some known external standard.The third element of the system is the availability of