This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the U.S. iron and steel industry, identifying cost-effective energy and carbon dioxide emissions savings that can be achieved both today and in the near future. First we discuss trends and make international energy efficiency comparisons for this industry at the aggregate level (Standard Industrial Classification 331 and 332), which includes blast furnaces and steel mills (SIC 3312), electrometalurgical products (SIC 3313), and gray and ductile iron foundries (SIC 3321). Then we focus on a smaller portion of the industry, blast furnaces and steel mills (SIC 3312), for a detailed analysis of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions by process, specific energy efficiency technologies and measures to reduce energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, and the energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions reduction potential for steelmaking in the U.S. Reviewing the industry as a whole, we found that U.S. steel plants are relatively old and production has fluctuated dramatically in the recent past. Metallurgical coal is still the primary fuel for the sector but gas and electricity use has been increasing. Between 1958 and 1994, physical energy intensity for iron and steelmaking (SIC 331, 332) dropped 27%, from 35.6 Gllt to 25.9 Gllt, while carbon dioxide intensity (carbon dioxide emissions expressed in tonnes of carbon per tonne of steel) dropped 39%, from 0.82 tClt to 0.50 tC/t. Compared to other large steel producers, the U.S. still tends to have higher energy intensities and has a large technical potential to achieve best practice levels of energy use for steel production. In our detailed analysis of the U.S. iron and steel sector (SIC 3312), we examined 48 specific energy efficiency technologies and measures and estimated energy savings, carbon dioxide emissions reductions, investment costs, and operation and maintenance costs for each of these measures. Based on this information, we constructed an energy conservation supply curve for U.S. iron and steelmaking which found a total cost-effective reduction potential of 3.8 Gllt, equivalent to an achievable energy savings of 18% of 1994 U.S. iron and steel energy use and a roughly equivalent savings (19%) of 1994 U.S. iron and steel carbon dioxide emissions.iii iv