where the scalar-quark field φ a (x) (a=1,2,3) belongs to the fundamental (3 c ) representation of SU(3) c . In above equations, a, b and c denote the color indices, and ǫ abc is the antisymmetric tensor for color indices. Here, we have generally introduced different species of scalar-quarks, which leads to the "scalar-quark flavor" degrees of freedom. In Eqs.(1) and (2), i, j and k denote the scalarquark flavor indices, and Γ ij M and Γ ijk B are some tensors on the scalar-quark flavor. We note that, for the localoperator description of scalar-quark baryons, the number N scalar f of the scalar-quark flavor should be N scalar f ≥ 3. Actually, for N scalar f ≤ 2, the local scalar-quark baryon operator vanishes due to the antisymmetric tensor ǫ abc , although a non-local operator description is possible for scalar-quark baryons. In contrast, scalar-quark mesons can be described with local operators at any number of N scalar f (≥ 1). We call the color-singlet state made of scalar-quarks φ and (ordinary) quarks ψ as a "chimera hadron": chimera mesons φ † ψ and chimera baryons, ψψφ and φφψ. The chimera meson field C α M (x) and the chimera baryon field,