This study describes the first Gray-code adder architecture, without the need to transform the Gray code into binary code, using the quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA). This device is a widely used resource for machine communications, counters, and encoders. QCA is a possible alternative to the current integrated circuit [complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)] due to its nanometric scale and very low-power consumption. In a bottom-up approach, the authors first describe and present the architecture of an important building block that composes the Gray-code adder, the parity generator, and then describe the full architecture. Besides being essential in the proposed adder, the parity generator is also important for error-checking and construction of other devices and widely used in communications. They demonstrate the functionality, test, and validate the proposed architectures using the QCADesigner simulator. If QCA consolidates as a possible CMOS substitute, this study can impact the design of future components that uses Gray-code and parity generator, such as embedded digital communications systems that will benefit from the low-power consumption of the QCA technology.