The present paper applies the Linear Arch Static Analysis (LASA), which models the masonry material as unilateral, i.e., No-Tension material in the sense of Heyman, and the Safe Theorem of the Limit Analysis to the study of masonry spiral stairs. A comparison is made with a refined FE analysis of the same problem, obtained by means of the ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). The objective is to prove that LASA can be a valid alternative to other more complex numerical methods, such as FE, especially when the modeling parameters, such as the boundary conditions, cannot be exactly defined. The case study of a small spiral staircase placed in the tower of Nisida, a small island close to Naples, Italy is taken into consideration. The results show that the LASA analysis provides results that fall within two limit FE cases in terms of stress and overall thrust, providing at the same time a meaningful insight into the equilibrium state of the structure.