is one of the most important new pieces of documentary evidence concerning the Greco-Roman astral sciences to be published in this century, and one of the more historically interesting single pieces of papyri of this type that is currently known. It provides a glimpse into aspects of astronomical theory and astrological practice of the second, or early third, century that we do not have from any other source. Hence, Fournet and Tihon's book, which contains a text, French translation, and study of P.Fouad 267A, will be of great interest to anyone working on the history of Greco-Roman astronomy.The book has the following sections: (1) papyrological information: physical description, dating based on orthography, discussion of the attested abbreviations, individual characteristics of the writer-including orthography, morphology, and syntax (J.-L. F.) [9-17]; (2) color photographs of recto and verso (J.-L. F.) [20-21]; (3) facing diplomatic and normalized transcriptions (J.-L. F.) [22-25]; (4) a French translation (A. T. with J.-L. F.) [26-30]; 1 (5) critical notes on the edition, keyed to the lines, including references to similar instances and parallel cases (J.-L. F.) [31-41]; (6) critical notes on the translation, keyed to the lines, including references to similar usages in known works (A. T.) [42-52]; 1 A preliminary English translation had already been given by Tihon 2010, and now a new English translation based on the full edition in this book has been provided by Jones 2016.