Experimental data of charged current neutrino cross sections on argon have recently appeared.They are classified in terms of the detected particles, such as one muon (the inclusive cross section) or one muon, zero pion and one single proton (CC0π1p) in the final states. We test our model, which allows a description of different reaction vertices, against the CC0π1p, the CC0πNp and the CC inclusive measurements. For this last channel, a new aspect is the recent availability of data in terms of the energy transfer to the nucleus, which allows a better separation of the different reaction mechanisms. Globally we find a good agreement with data and we explain the deterioration of agreement in specific kinematical conditions by the absence in our model of twopion production and other inelastic channels, more important for MicroBooNE than for T2K. We discuss also the correspondence between the quasielastic vertex and the CC0π1p measurement, as well as the dominance of the multinucleon emission channel in the difference between CC0πNp and CC0π1p data.