SiC devices for power electronics are a reality. A first generation of reliable SiC rectifier devices outperforming all silicon devices has been released on the market with up to 1500V voltage handling capability. At best, GaN based rectifiers, with similar electrical performance and production cost, may reach the market by year 2015. For the same voltage range, prototypes of switching triode SiC devices with control electrode, using JFET and BJT topologies, are also under market evaluation. It seems nobody knows yet whether SiC MOS will finally get reliable enough for voltage over 200 V. III-N based HEMT hetero-junction devices may become superior alternative to the existing SiC switching triode devices. Still, a lot of work will be needed for reaching good enough reliability. On the long term, due to expectable Gallium shortage, SiC based heterojunction devices would offer sustainable solution, although the ideal hetero-structure has not been demonstrated yet.