To achieve distributed control of a multi-arm system, leaderfollower approach is an option generally associated with the schemes that are devoted to reducing the communication burden while trying to achieve as far as possible. Based on the diagram of impedance dynamics and leader-follower scheme, coordinated motion control for multiple mobile manipulators is employed to achieve cooperative object manipulation [10]. Inspired by a team of people moving a table, the followers can implement similar impedance law as the leader's either by estimating the leader's desired motion [11] or by taking the contact force as the leader's motion intention [12]. This innovation enables the whole system to work under implicit communication. Another interesting work [13] that does not require communication achieves force coordination between leader and follower only by measuring the object's motion as the feedback. However, the assumptions that all followers act passively in the transport task in [10], [11], that desired velocity of the grasped object is constant and available to each agent in [12], that the attachment points of the collectives are centrosymmetric around the center of mass (COM) of the object in [13], act as the primary factors that hind the applications of their works to our case.The idea that successful object transportation in real application is generally strongly related to the robot formation has also been continuously inspiring related works [14], [15]. Along with the rapid advances in graph theory and control philosophy of the multi-agent systems, distributed scheme under explicit communication plays an important role in the formation control of multiple mobile robots [16], [17]. The challenge existing in formation-based transport task for multiple mobile manipulator ensemble lies in the design of a distributed control law to achieve a global behavior in cooperative manner with limited local information and constrained communication [18]. A typical schema [19] employs a set of distributed controller/observer to achieve relative formation of the multi-arm system. Convergent estimation of the collective states by local observer bridges the gap between the local control and the global cooperative behavior, thus a totally distributed cooperation is achieved [20].To further maintain high performance when the mobile robot team executes tightly cooperative task whilst suffering from the inevitable uncertainties of the robot dynamics, adaptive mechanism is introduced into the architecture, based on either impedance control [21] or force/position control [19]. More complicate case in which the dynamic uncertainty and communication constraints (e.g. the jointly communication topology [2]) coexist can be easily tackled by embedding the parameter adaptation to the respective control scheme. Recent representative work [22] employs the robust adaptive control to concurrently address dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. The dependence of the communication network and the costly force/torque sensor is further e...