ABSTRACT.The molecular semiconductors exhibit a wide range of electronic properties not necessarily shown by conventional covalent or ionic semiconductors. Study of the conductive organic solids, particularly the polymeric as opposed to the charge-transfer type, is fruitful because of the deeper insights they offer as to carrier birth and transport in systems possessing short range order.Conduction in the polymeric organic solids is of the hopping type, increasing with frequency of the applied field. As judged from the thermoelectric power, it may be dominated by either holes or electrons, depending upon the chemical makeup. It is not certain from Hall effects studies whether the Hall 'mobilities' are normal or suppressed, such as found in amorphous covalent solids. Both the intra-and inter-chain mobilities are frequency dependent.Polarization in the polymeric organic solids is observed on occasions to become very large. This is due to a unique form of polarizability, nomadic polarization, wherein certain charges are free to roam over large ranges before being blocked. The large dielectric constants observed are temperature, pressure, and frequency dependent.Although organic semiconductors have numerous technical applications, it may well be true that the biological applications and implications are the most important ones. The demonstration by P. S. B. Digby 1 that electronic semiconduction must occur in the integument of sea animals has thrown a fresh breath of life into our ideas connecting the biological processes and the considerable studies in solid state science, particularly in regard to organic polymeric semiconduction.Digby demonstrated by redox experiments 'that certain regions of crustacea and plankton coelenterates acted as electrodes in a manner that could only be reasonably interpreted as involving electronic semiconduction. Electrode-like deposition of hydrogen, silver, copper, and Nile blue dye on the cuticle regions of live animals was shown to occur, and to be unobservable using diffusion-generated potentials on soft tissues or on gelatin. Many biochemical problems are considered to be problems of transferring energy or of charge over long distances through organic molecules. These include, to name a few, the photosynthetic process