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Continuum and kinetic simulations of Heat Transfer trough Rarefied Gas in Annular and
Miles GreinerProfessor, ASME Fellow Mechanical Engineering Department University of Nevada, Reno Reno, Nevada, 89557 Email: ABSTRACT Steady-state heat transfer through a rarefied gas confined between parallel plates or coaxial cylinders, whose surfaces are maintained at different temperatures is investigated using the non-linear Shakhov (S) model kinetic equation and DSMC technique in the slip regime. The profiles of heat flux and temperature are reported for different values of gas rarefaction parameter δ, ratios of hotter to cooler surface temperatures T , and inner to outer radii ratio R . The results of S-model kinetic equation and DSMC technique are compared to the numerical and analytical solutions of the Fourier equation subjected to the Lin & Willis temperature-jump boundary condition. The analytical expressions are derived for temperature and heat flux for both geometries with hotter and colder surfaces having different values of the thermal accommodation coefficient. The results of the comparison between the kinetic and continuum approaches showed that the Lin & Willis temperature-jump model accurately predicts heat flux and temperature profiles for small temperature ratio T = 1.1 and large radius ratios R ≥ 0.5, however, for large temperature ratio, a pronounced disagreement is observed.