With the exploitation of underground sources, nature receives a huge negative impact on the local environment introducing surface subsidence. A mining region needs to be observed in sequences before, during, and after coal extraction from the coal mine. Different measuring methods exist to monitor subsidence, and all of them apply various instrumentation. A choice of methodology depends on access to a field of observation and requested accuracy. Obviously, the most accurate results provide geometric leveling, but, many times, the terrain does not allow surveyors to walk over the dangerous outfields. Looking for the most adequate and feasible method, this research did a comparison between observation of the same points, applying statistical analysis of differences between the reference points heights, and tested methods. Monitoring procedure comprised utilization of total stations (TS), global navigation satellite system (GNSS), and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). In this paper, the Velenje coal mine was taken as a case study, and observation data were collected during 2017.