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AbstractAll oil and gas well stimulation processes, and particularly hydraulic fracturing, require a poststimulation flow period to prepare the well for long-term production. Operators and service companies have begun to recognize this as one of the most critical times in the life of the well. Intensive management of the flowback and evaluation of the available performance information during flowback can yield significant improvement in the well's long-term performance. That information also provides the basis for improving future stimulation and well management strategies. For example, excessive flowback rates are known to cause proppant flowback or fracture collapse in a fracture stimulated well. Postponement of flowback after the stimulation and shut-ins once production is established do impact future performance.Proper data collection and interpretation provide the ability to interpret the characteristics of the placed fracture and the impact and management of various flowback procedures. Specifically, it is possible to assess the conductivity of the proppant bed, its propagated length and the impact of on-set to multiphase flow. If the flowback and data collection are properly conducted, the early data will also contain information about the characteristics of the reservoir and fracture. With this in mind, the types of data, acquisition and interpretation methods are shown for three field examples.