IN IRRADIATED MOS DEVICESfollowing positive-bias irradiation. Under "proper" TSC bias conditions, TSC and C-V estimates of A.Qo4 agree well for thick, soft oxides, but differthe oxide and capture at trap sites associated with the radiation-induced trapped holes. We also show that TSC measurements can provide insight into the locution of hole traps in MOS oxides that cannot be obtained from standard C-V tests. For positive-bias irradiation, nearly all trapped holes are located within a few nanometers of the si,sio2 interface r71. An ideal Tsc measurement, such as that as illustrated in Fig. 1, would de-trap and transport all of the radiation-induced trapped 121. These have included (i) performing electronspin-resonance studies Of interface-trap charge versus surface potential [8], (ii) cross-checking the image charge on the gate induced been reported to vary by up to a factor of 4 by this analysis [3i.) After heat is (Circuit B), and the practical implementation of each method.potential is fixed, negative charge must the substrate (through the from frequency C-V measurements and analysis have been performed many times in the literature [3,6,8-to the gate in