In accordance with the previous reduction of the remaining genera of subfamily Magnolioideae (Magnoliaceae) into the genus Magnolia, twenty-six new nomenclatural combinations are formally made by transferring to Magnolia some additional Chinese and Vietnamese taxa from the segregate genera of Manglietia, Michelia and Yulania. The following nine new combinations are created from Manglietia, namely Magnolia admirabilis, M. albistaminea, M. guangnanica, M. jinggangshanensis, M. maguanica, M. pubipedunculata, M. pubipetala, M. rufisyncarpa and M. sinoconifera. Also, twelve new combinations are created from Michelia, namely Magnolia caloptila, M. caudata, M. fallax, M. gelida, M. hunanensis, M. maudiae var. rubicunda, M. multitepala, M. platypetala, M. rubriflora, M. septipetala, M. sonlaensis, M. xinningia. Finally, five new combinations are created from Yulania, namely Magnolia baotaina, M. pendula, M. pilocarpa var. ellipticifolia, M. puberula and M. urceolata.