of shorter duration, located mostly on non-bony sites and a case of vitiligo of genital mucosa. Tacrolimus binds to cytosolic 12-kDa macrophilin FK506 binding protein, which then inhibits calcineurin-mediated phosphorylation of the transcription factors NF-AT and thereby the expression of several inflammatory T-cell cytokines. 1 In vitiligo, it may also suppress autoantibody recognition of cell surface melanocyte antigens, thus inhibiting subsequent cytotoxic T-lymphocyte reactions. 6-8 However, tacrolimus is unable to stop the progression of vitiligo. Thus, administration of combination therapy comprising tacrolimus, and trimethyl psoroalens, 4,9,10 along with silymarin suspension and vitamins/trace elements supplements may check the progress of vitiligo in the future.