Giemsa staining, C-and AgNOR-banding procedures. Diploid chromosome numbers of analyzed species were found to be the same (2n = 50) but their karyotypes formulae were different. For all species examined, the largest chromosome pair of the complements was subtelo-acrocentric. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were not detected in any of the studied species. C-bands were found on the centromeres of several chromosomes in all studied species. NORs were detected in one pair of submetacentric chromosomes in P. burduricus, P. egridiri and P. fahrettini, and in two pairs of submetacentric chromosomes in P. battalgilae, P. evliyae and P. maeandri. Further, NOR polymorphisms were observed in some specimens of P. battalgilae, P. burduricus, P. evliyae and P. fahrettini for number, location and size. This study may contribute to other leuciscine cytogenetic studies.