Acenest hat are twisted out of planarity are expected to display chiroptical properties. However,t he effect of twisting on the chiroptical properties of acenes has not been investigated computationally or experimentally.H erein, we present ac omputational investigation of the chiroptical properties of anthracenes to pentacenes, combined with an experimental study using as eries of helicallyl ocked acenes, twisted to different torsional angles in their enantiopure form.T he lowest energy transition, which is relatively weak in acenes, becomes dominanti nt heir circular dichroism spectra upon twisting. We find that the rotational strength of acenes consistently increases with increasing twist. The experimental data obtainedf rom enantiopure tethered twistacenes showt he same trend as the calculatedr esult, with as trong Cotton effect and anisotropy factor,r endering twisted acenes as excellent chiroptical materials.