The previous reports on powdery mildews from Thailand revealed some unknown species and also the importance of this area for the diversity, systematics and evolution of powdery mildews. This report provides an additional list consisting of three species of the genus Erysiphe and its asexual morph (Pseudoidium) on various hosts found in Thailand. Morphological descriptions of powdery mildew specimens on 11 plant families and molecular phylogenetic analyses based on ITS rDNA sequences are provided. We report 6 new host records for Erysiphe in the world, viz., Viburnum inopinatum (Adoxaceae), Wrightia arborea (Apocynaceae), Hydrocotyle javanica (Araliaceae), Cleome chelidonii (Cleomaceae), Luffa acutangula (Cucurbitaceae) and Ostodes paniculata (Euphorbiaceae). In addition, 10 new records of Erysiphe found in Thailand are described.