A versatile combined primary standard of the USSR has been established at VNIIOFI for the realization of radiometric units. The standard is based on two black bodies, operable at temperatures from 400 to 3000 K, and an absolute radiometer. Units of both spectral and broadband quantities are reproduced within the 0,2 pm to 25 pm range. A black-body radiator made of niobium carbide and graphite is used over the temperature range of 1500-3000 K, while that for the lower temperatures from 400 to 1200K is a heat-pipe with a sodium heattransfer medium. In order to determine the thermodynamic temperature T of the high-temperature black body, relative values of radiant flux P, ( T ) and spectral radiance Le, (ii, 7;) at several temperatures are found. The method allows realization of radiometric and photometric quantities irrespective of the International Practical Temperature Scale (IPTS-68). The absolute radiometer used is of a special design and has a control system capable of maintaining the conical receiving cavity at constant temperature throughout the measurement process. The absolute radiometer is intended to realize radiometric units as well as to measure the spectral sensitivity of radiation receivers.