A novel selective homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn transfer method for in vivo spectral editing is proposed and applied to measurements of ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain at 3 T. The proposed method utilizes a new concept for in vivo spectral editing, the spectral selectivity of which is not based on a conventional editing pulse but based on the stringent requirement of the doubly selective Hartmann-Hahn match. The sensitivity and spectral selectivity of GABA detection achieved by this doubly selective Hartmann-Hahn match scheme was superior to that achievable by conventional in vivo spectral editing techniques providing both sensitivity enhancement and excellent suppression of overlapping resonances in a single shot. Since double-quantum filtering gradients were not employed, singlets such as the NAA methyl group at 2.02 ppm and the creatine methylene group at 3.92 ppm were detected simultaneously. These singlets may serve as navigators for the spectral phase of GABA and for frequency shifts during measurements. The estimated concentration of GABA in the frontoparietal region of the human brain in vivo was 0.7 ؎ 0.2 mol/g (mean ؎ SD, n ؍ 12 A range of spectral editing techniques using various MR properties has been proposed in an attempt to select low concentration metabolites with J-coupled spins such as ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (1-12), glutathione (GSH) (13-16), alanine (17), lactate (12,18), -hydroxybutyrate (12), and taurine (19). Essentially all previously proposed editing techniques are based on pulse-interrupted freeprecession of J-coupling interactions to differentiate the signal of interest (SOI) from overlapping resonances. For example, the two-step J-editing techniques utilize Hahn spin-echo subtraction (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)12,17). The multiple quantum (MQ) coherence transfer method utilizes coherence transfer between different spin quantum states as well as gradient filtering (6,8 -10,13-15,18 -21). Many editing methods suffer sizable sensitivity loss during the editing process because of the conflicting needs of preserving the thermal equilibrium SOI and simultaneously suppressing the overlapping signals. The spectral selectivity is critically dependent on the bandwidth and profile of the selective editing pulse [e.g., (1-6,8 -11)].There is, however, a fundamentally different method, the Hartmann-Hahn transfer, to reveal the SOI from those based on pulse-interrupted free precession. The Hartmann-Hahn transfer was initially proposed for heteronuclear cross-polarization of dipole-coupled spins in solids by simultaneous application of spin-locking radiofrequency (RF) fields to both nuclei. When the HartmannHahn condition (␥ 1 B SL1 ϭ ␥ 2 B SL2 , where ␥ is the gyromagnetic ratio and B SL is the spin-locking RF fields) is fulfilled, polarization is transferred between heteronuclear spins. Both the heteronuclear and the homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn transfer methods have been widely used in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of liquids (22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27). Broadband Hartmann-Hahn match leads to pro...