1. ABSTRACT This paper presents an efficient encoding and automaton construction which improves performance of automata-based scheduling techniques. The encoding preserves knowledge of what operations occurred previously but excludes when they occurred, allowing greater sharing among scheduling traces. The technique inherits all of the features of BDD-based control dominated scheduling including systematic speculation. Without conventional pruning, all schedules for several large samples are quickly constructed.
KeywordsHigh-level synthesis, scheduling, BDD, automata
INTRODUCTIONThe scheduling problem occurs across diverse areas of application from networking to manufacturing to high-level synthesis of digital systems (HLS). Scheduling which assigns operations to time-slots in a synchronous system subject to data and control-flow dependencies as well as resource constraints is a key component of many HLS systems. Consequently, solving this problem efficiently is a direct way to enhance the abilities of such systems.Most solutions to the scheduling problem fall into two categories: i) heuristics and ii) integer linear programming (ILP