The optimum condition for Sb diffusion into silicon using a silicon wafer lapped with AleO~ powder and a sapphire wafer as an auxiliary wafer has been determined. To obtain higher Sb concentrations-as high as the solid solubility Of Sb into sillcon-the SbzO3 vaporized source concentration has to be kept over 0.4 tool percent (m/o) during diffusion. A nonoxidizing atmosphere and a small distance between the diffusion and auxiliary wafers are desirable. Although sheet conductance obtained by utilizing a lapped silicon wafer depends on the number of uses it has, that obtaind by the sapphire wafer is independent of use number. When A1~O3 is present on the diffusion wafer beforehand, the diffusion concentration increase is similar to that with the auxiliary wafers with AlsO3 on their surface. The process presented here has no effect on phosphorus impurity diffusion. The solubility change of elemental Sb in the multicomponent glass film grown on the diffusion wafer is presented to explain the higher Sb concentration when A1~O3 is present.