IntroductionWalking is for humans one of the most natural activities. However, although it is well known that the lumbar spine is of primary importance in gait [11] and that its development is influenced by the upright posture adopted in human locomotion [21], little is known about the kinematic behavior of the lumbar spine during this daily activity.Several biomechanical aspects of the lumbar spine during walking have been studied previously. For instance, the resultant forces on lumbar discs and facet joints during walking have been shown to reach 2.5 times the body weight [4], although lower and higher peak loads have been described [7,9,13,14]. A recent in vivo study by Wilke et al. [32], for example, showed much lower intradiscal pressures during gait, which were only moderately larger than those registered during relaxed standing or sitting. It is, however, not known whether these pressures are altered in patients with low back disorders. Lumbar loads during gait have been shown to increase with increasing walking velocity [7], although this finding remains controversial [32]. Peak erector spinae contraction forces during walking (140 N) are larger than those of the remaining trunk muscles (about 15 N) [9]. A study by Vink and Karssemeijer [28] showed bilateral activity of Abstract The lumbar spine is of primary importance in gait and its development is influenced by the upright posture adopted in human locomotion. However, little is known about the kinematic behavior of the lumbar spine during walking. The aim of this study was to examine (1) lumbar spine kinematics during walking, (2) the effect of walking velocity on lumbar motion patterns and (3) the coupling characteristics of rotation and bending. In 22 volunteers aged 15-57 years, the three-dimensional displacements of T12 to the sacrum were sampled during elementary movements of the trunk and during walking on a treadmill at four walking velocities. A three-dimensional electrogoniometer (CA 6000 Spine Motion Analyzer) sampling at 100 Hz was used. We analyzed maximal primary and coupled motion ranges (ROM) and velocities in each plane. Lumbar ROM during walking did not exceed 40% of maximal active ROM. Transverse plane ROM and frontal and transverse velocities increased with walking velocity. Coupling of rotation and bending during walking was individually variable and dependent on walking velocity. Moreover, the smoothness of the bending-rotation path varied with walking velocity. A simplified envelope of lumbar coupling characteristics during walking is presented, and the existence of an individually variable walking speed that is characterized by a more harmonic lumbar contribution is hypothesized.