9Observations of total peroxy radicals (XO2 RO2 + HO2) made by the Ethane CHemical 10 AMPlifier (ECHAMP) and concomitant observations of additional trace gases made onboard the 11 Aerodyne Mobile Laboratory (AML) during May 2017 were used to characterize ozone production at 12 three sites in the San Antonio, Texas region. Median daytime [O3] was 48 ppbv at the site downwind of 13 central San Antonio. Higher concentrations of NO and XO2 at the downwind site also led to median 14 daytime ozone production rates (P(O3)) of 4.2 ppbv hr −1 , a factor of two higher than at the two upwind 15 sites. The 95 th percentile of P(O3) at the upwind site was 15.1 ppbv hr −1 , significantly lower than values 16 observed in Houston. In situ observations, as well as satellite retrievals of HCHO and NO2, suggest that 17 the region is NOX limited for times after approximately 9:00 local time, before which ozone production is 18 VOC-limited. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) comprised 55% of total OH reactivity at the 19 downwind site, with alkanes and non-biogenic alkenes responsible for less than 10% of total OH 20 reactivity in the afternoon, when ozone production was highest. To control ozone formation rates at the 21 three study sites effectively, policy efforts should be directed at reducing NOX emissions. Observations in 22 the urban center of San Antonio are needed to determine whether this policy is true for the entire region.
23Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi.radicals from three sites in the San Antonio area, characterizing the XO2 (XO2 RO2 + HO2) 91 distribution in the region. We use these XO2 measurements, along with observations of NO and 92 other trace gas species, to quantify ozone production in regions up-and downwind of the urban 93 core. Though there have been many prior determinations of P(O3) using measurements of a 94 subset of peroxy radicals (i.e., using laser-induced fluorescence measurements of HO2 and a 95 fraction of RO2) (e.g. Ren et al., 2013), this is one of the few determinations of ozone production 96 using the direct observation of total peroxy radicals (Sommariva et al., 2011). Combined with 97 quantification of the primary production of ROX radicals (P(ROX)) and satellite retrievals of 98 HCHO and NO2, we determine the ozone production regime in San Antonio. Finally, we explore 99 the main contributors to OH reactivity in the region. 100
2.Methodology 101 2.