New variants of the ABOH blood
group system are described which are similar
to the ‘Bombay’ phenotype, but differ from
it by Le(a—b + ) erythrocytes and secretion
of ABH and Le^a and Le^b antigens. The
erythrocytes of the proposita and members
of her family are group O, negative with anti-H ; agglutinins if the ‘Bombay’ type,
active also at 37°C, but weakened owing to interference by the secreted antigens,
were found in the sera. The genetic background of the observed phenotypes is
discussed. It appears likely that the atypical blood groups are due to a pair of
recessive genes at a locus designated as Zjz and responsible for biosynthesis of H
antigen in erythrocytes. The Zjz locus very probably belongs to the operator/
regulator gene complex for the structural gene H, and has a position similar that
of the Yjy pair in relation to A gene. The homozygous combination zz causes suppression
(modification) of the H phenotype in erythrocytes. As a result, the expression
of the blood groups, as determined by the structural gene A or JB, is also
suppressed. It is suggested that these variants (phenotypes) be given the symbols
O(Hm), O^B(Hm), O^AB(Hm) the genetic information O, A, B or AB can be demonstrated
only indirectly, and symbols A(Hm) and B(Hm) if the phenotype can be
demonstrated by specific agglutination reactions.