The new wide-bandgap power semiconductor devices, such as gallium nitride and silicon carbide, have encouraged the development of power electronic converters with better efficiency, higher switching frequency, and smaller packages. However, such fast power converters are characterized by steep pulse width modulation voltage waveforms that cause increased electrical stress on the insulation system of the electric machine windings, eventually leading to premature failure. This poses a serious problem for high-speed applications where high system reliability and safety are required. Therefore, this work aims to show the effects of electrical aging on the high-frequency characteristics of electrical machines and then to assess the damage caused to the windings of a motor by such steep PWM waveforms. Finally, using a highfrequency model of the machine windings, it is possible to identify the parameters that are most affected by electrical stresses and thus assess the aging status of the insulation system.INDEX TERMS High-speed AC drives, high-frequency converters, insulation aging, partial discharges, pulse width modulation.