Stability of the Einstein static universe versus the linear scalar, vector and tensor perturbations is investigated in the context of deformed Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology inspired by entropic force scenario. A general stability condition against the linear scalar perturbations is obtained. Using this general condition, it is shown that there is no stable Einstein static universe for the case of flat universe, k = 0. For the the special case of large values of running parameter of HL gravity ω, in a positively curved universe k > 0, the domination of the quintessence and phantom matter fields with barotropic equation of state parameter β < − is necessary while for a negatively curved universe k < 0, the matter fields with β > − 1 3 are needed to be the dominant fields of the universe. Also, a neutral stability against the vector perturbations is obtained. Finally, an inequality including the cosmological parameters of the Einstein static universe is obtained for the stability against the tensor perturbations. It turns out that for large ω values, there is a stability against the tensor perturbations.