This paper introduces a new tri-wideband fractal antenna for use in wireless communication applications. The fractal manufactured antenna developed has a Sierpinski hexagonal-shaped radiating element and a partial ground plane loaded with three rectangular stubs and three rectangular slits. The investigated antenna has a small footprint of 0.19λ0 × 0.24 λ0 × 0.0128 λ0 and improved bandwidth and gain. According to the measurements, the designed antenna resonates throughout the frequency ranges of 2.19–4.43 GHz, 4.8–7.76 GHz, and 8.04–11.32 GHz. These frequency ranges are compatible with a variety of wireless technologies, including WLAN, WiMAX, ISM, LTE, RFID, Bluetooth, 5G spectrum band, C-band, and X-band. The investigated antenna exhibited good gain with almost omnidirectional radiation patterns. Utilizing CST MWS, the performance of the suggested Sierpinski hexagonal-shaped fractal antenna was achieved. The findings were then compared to the experimental results, which were found to be in strong agreement.