Abtract:The application of thermodynamics of eutectoid copolymers and a generalized Tabor-rehtion to relationships between mechanical properties (microhardness, yield stress) and microstructure in semicrystalline polymers is considered. The approach is illustrated by resuks on mek-crystallized low density polyethylene, investigated near the yield point at different temperatures. The success of the approach emphasizes that semicrystalline polymers, despke being viscoelastic hetereogeneous systems, give rise to a yielding process entailing the irreversible deformation of a larger number of crystals within cooperative super-structure units. Microhardness provides, within this context, a unique measure of the crystal size average. Comparison of calculated and experimental data favors the view of deformed crystals containing basal defective surface boundaries ("meso-crystals") which yield cooperatively.