To study the propagation pattern of congestion risk in the traffic network and enhance risk control capabilities, a model has been developed. This model takes into account the probabilities of five threats (the risk occurrence probability; the risk of loss; the unpredictability of risk; the uncontrollability of risk; the transferability of risk) in the traffic network to define the risk entropy and determine the risk capacity, analyze the mechanism of congestion risk propagation, and explore the impact of risk resistance, the average degree of risk capacity at intersections, and the degree of correlation on congestion risk propagation. Further, a control method model for risk propagation is proposed. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the risk resistance parameter θ can inhibit the propagation of congestion risk during traffic congestion. The highest efficiency in controlling risk propagation is achieved when θ reaches a threshold value θ*. Furthermore, the average degree of intersection risk capacity α shows a positive correlation with θ* and a negative correlation with control efficiency. However, the degree of association ω has a negative effect on risk propagation control, decreasing the degree of association between nodes aids in risk propagation control.