A novel framework for automated design space exploration (DSE) of architecture and unrolling factor (UF) for perfectly nested loops in architectural synthesis (AS) is presented. The sub-contributions are that it: (a) proposes a novel model for determining execution time based on architecture and UFs for nested loop without tiresomely unrolling completely; (b) proposes a novel methodology for exploration of architecture and loop UFs for a perfectly nested loop, based on swarm intelligence (SI); and (c) maintains a trade-off between power and performance during exploration and also resolves orthogonal issues such as exploration speed and quality of result (QoR). Results of the proposed approach indicate an average improvement in QoR of >33% and reduction in runtime of >34% compared with recent approaches.Introduction: The design space exploration (DSE) for applicationspecific processors is intricate involving identification of best solution from a set of massive design alternatives. In [1], the DSE problem of only single-loop-based applications with no focus on nested-loop-based control data flow graph (CDFG) is solved. Moreover, the delay model proposed in [1] is not useful when the number of independent operations required to be performed in parallel due to unrolling exceeds the available resource units specified in a solution.Many researchers have addressed DSE in architectural synthesis. For example, in [2], the SPARK tool was introduced where the loop unrolling factor (UF) being user-directed is not able to explore the combination of UF and architecture together automatically. Moreover, in [3] Mishra and Sengupta proposed a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) DSE where the loop unrolling was not considered during exploration. In [4] evolutionary algorithm-based DSE required manual intervention to decide UF besides considering only UFs which are multiples of iteration count. Harish et al.[5] used a genetic algorithm and weighted sum PSO-based DSE which did not consider constraints in cost function and UF during DSE.