Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) are widely used in wireless transceivers. Due to the stringent specifications regarding phase-noise, LC-VCOs are usually adopted. The need for maximizing phase-noise as well as minimizing the power consumption makes imperious the adoption of optimization-based design methodologies. For the optimization of the LC-VCO characteristics, special attention must be paid to the integrated inductor design, since its quality factor may have a strong influence in the LC-VCO phase-noise. Furthermore, designers must ensure that the higher limit of VCO operating frequency is sufficiently below the inductor resonant frequency. In this chapter, a study on the influence of the quality factor of the inductors on the LC-VCO overall behavior is presented. Then, optimization of integrated inductors by exploring the inductor geometric layout is presented. Finally, results obtained for the design of an LC-VCO in 130nm Technology using a previously optimized inductor are presented.