T here are many types of microscopy, each providing a unique set of benefits. Light microscopy of cells that express fluorescently labelled molecules, for example, lets scientists observe the movements of specific molecules or protein complexes in live cells in real time, or in fixed samples. Scanning electron microscopy (EM) reveals tiny details of the cell surface, and transmission EM shows the detailed cytoarchitecture of sections through fixed tissue. Other aspects of the structure of cells and tissues can be explored using techniques such as ion microscopy, total internal reflection microscopy, atomic force microscopy and super-resolution microscopy. Each type provides different information, but using two sorts of microscopy simultaneously provides even more -and molecular tools have been developed to link them together. Researchers testing the waters of this 'correlative microscopy' are beginning to discover its challenges and rewards.Correlated light-electron microscopy, for example, provides both the specificity and real-time observation of light microscopy with fluorescent labelling and the better structural resolution of EM. But such correlative microscopy has historically been tricky to use. Scientists who tried it might have needed to switch to EM halfway through an experiment, which meant moving the sample from one This image of a butterfly wing was constructed using two types of microscopy: a confocal image of the reflective eyespots shows scales (green) and wing (red); scanning electron microscopy reveals the different structure of non-reflective scales (upper left).