These years, researchers are interested in the web users perceived Quality of Experience called web QoE. Monitoring web browsing QoE can help service providers to determine if network conditions are contributing to user satisfaction. Making a relationship between web QoE and network parameters helps them to evaluate potential solutions in order to increase user satisfaction. Recent literature use metrics such as page load, wait time, or SpeedIndex to estimate the QoE of web users. However, QoE is a measure that remains subjective, and its evaluation is expensive and tedious because it requires a high human participation. Using Big Data Analytics, web service providers can anticipate user's behavior and take necessary actions which lead to better QoS/QoE. In this work, we have shown that we can make a relationship between QoS and QoE and predict QoE thanks to machine learning (ML) algorithms or deep learning approach. In fact, these new prediction solutions can help in prediction of the web QoE. Yet, this work focuses on some key performance indicators in the field of web browsing where Big Data Analytics are used. It gives a predictive solution based on Big Data tools to monitor and work toward enhancing QoS and QoE for the web users. Therefore, the design of a tool that can objectively measure this QoE with reasonable accuracy and in real time has become a primary need which is an interesting challenge to solve. As a first contribution, we analyzed the impact of network behavior on the quality of web services, then described some relevant research works done in ML field to predict QoE. We finally give the proposed tool based on prediction algorithms from ML and deep learning both used to monitor web QoE.