Reversible logic provides the best platform for implementing quantum computation models in digital systems. With the objective of preventing the loss of information, reversible logic does not let energy be wasted in the form of thermal dissipation. Adder circuits are the central computational part of all digital processing units like CPUs and ALUs. Therefore, their power consumption and speed directly affect the overall system performance and functionality of a computing unit. This work presents a comprehensive study introducing different new carry select adders (CSLA) based on quantum and reversible logic. Five reversible CSLA designs are proposed and compared evaluating contrast criteria like speed, quantum cost, and area with previously published schemes. The comparative metrics are formulized for arbitrary n-bits size blocks. Each design type is described in a generic way, capable of implementing carry select adder of any size. As the best result, this study proposes an optimized reversible adder circuit in terms of quantum propagation delay, reaching an acceptable trade-off with quantum cost compared to its counterparts. Verification has been made through Simulations and synthesis on Altera Cyclone V FPGA using Intel Quartus Prime Design and ModelSim software.