In this paper, it is proposed to understand the opinion of the public regarding the policy of demonetization that is implemented recently in India through Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) that predicts the sentiment of specific aspects present in the text. The major aim is to identify the relevant contexts for various aspects. Most of the conventional techniques have adopted attention mechanisms and deep learning concepts that decrease the prediction accuracy and generate huge noise. Another major disadvantage with the attention mechanisms is that the sentiment related to few context words alters with various aspects, and hence it cannot be concluded from itself alone. This paper adopts the optimized deep learning concept for performing the ABSA for demonetization tweets. The proposed model involves various phases such as pre-processing, aspect extraction, polarity feature extraction, and sentiment classification. Initially, the different demonetization tweets collected from the Kaggle dataset are taken. Pre-processing is done with the help of four phases like stop words removal, punctuation removal, lower case conversion, and stemming from minimizing the data to its reduced format. This pre-processed data is further performed with aspect extraction to extract the opinion words. These extracted aspect words are converted to the features with the help of polarity score computation and Word2vec. The weight of the polarity scores is optimized using hybridization of two meta-heuristic algorithms like FireFly Algorithm (FF), and Multi-Verse Optimization (MVO), and the new algorithm is termed as Fire Fly-oriented Multi-Verse Optimizer (FF-MVO). Further, combined features are subjected to a deep learning algorithm called Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). As a modification to the existing RNN, the hidden neurons are optimized by the hybrid FF-MVO, FF-MVO-RNN classifies the positive and negative sentiments. Finally, the comparative analysis of different machine learning algorithms proves the competent performance of the proposed model.