Abstract-During the past decades there has been a tremendous increase throughout the scientific community for developing methods of understanding human brain functionality, as diagnosis and treatment of diseases and malfunctions, could be effectively developed through understanding of how the brain works. In parallel, research effort is driven on minimizing drawbacks of existing imaging techniques including potential risks from radiation and invasive attributes of the imaging methodologies. Towards that direction a new near field radiometry imaging system has been theoretically studied, developed and experimentally tested and all of the aforementioned research phases are herein presented. The system operation principle is based on the fact that human tissues emit chaotic thermal type radiation at temperatures above the absolute zero. Using a phase shifted antenna array system, spatial resolution, detection depth and sensitivity are increased. Combining previous research results, as well as new findings, the capabilities of the constructed system, as well as the possibility of using it as a complementary method for brain imaging are discussed in this paper.