IntroductionThis study was designed to investigate the effects of prostaglan- Receivedfor publication 10 February 1993 and in revisedform 9 August 1993.Hypoxic liver injury is of major clinical importance in hemorrhagic shock, endotoxemia, metabolic disorders induced by ethanol administration (1, 2), and primary nonfunction in liver transplantation (3). There is a body of evidence showing that mitochondrial damage due to impaired oxygen supply is important as a mechanism of irreversible liver injury. Lemasters et al. ( I ), who examined isolated rat hepatocytes exposed to anoxia-mimicking reagents, has stated that a decrease in mitochondrial inner membrane potential may play a crucial role in bleb formation and subsequent cell death. When the liver is exposed to the prolonged impairment of sinusoidal blood supply, the mitochondrial function of hepatocytes in anoxic pericentral regions should be more easily impaired than in relatively well-oxygenated periportal regions. Accordingly, during low flow hypoxia in which an intralobular gradient of oxygen supply is observed, hepatocytes in the most distal portion of microcirculatory units are expected to show a loss of viability followed by the extension of the damage towards the proximal portion of the lobule.However, the actual time course of the intralobular distribution of cell injury during hypoxia seems quite different. According to Marotto et al. (4), low flow hypoxia-induced cell injury occurs first in the intermediate zone between the periportal and pericentral regions and extends towards the distal portion of hepatic microcirculatory units, producing centrilobular necrosis. Furthermore, our recent observation has revealed that, even under hypoxic condition, the oxidative stress occurs paradoxically in the midzonal region rather than in the anoxic pericentral regions (5). Because of these findings, the relationship between mitochondrial dysfunction and oxygen radical formation in hypoxic liver injury remains unclear.The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanism by which hypoxia-induced mitochondrial dysfunction evokes oxidative cell injury during 25% low flow hypoxia. To that effect, we used dual-color digital microfluorography using two different functional fluorescence probes, rhodamine 123 (Rh 123)' and propidium iodide (PI), which revealed spatial and temporal alterations of mitochondrial function and cell death simultaneously in a hepatic microcirculatory unit ( 1, 6). Furthermore, the temporal and spatial alterations of intrahepatic