Electrochemical kinetic investigation of a Ti-H system was conducted in LiCl-KCl-LiH melts at 723 K. Apparent chemical diffusion coefficients of hydrogen including phase transformations, D H Ј , were estimated for ␣, ␣ ϩ , , and  ϩ ␦ phases by chronopotentiometry. Chemical diffusion coefficients of absorbed hydrogen D H in ␣, , and ␦ phases were obtained by ac impedance spectroscopy and that in ␦ phase was estimated by potential-step chronoamperometry. Obtained results were compared with reported values to confirm the validity of the electrochemical technique for kinetic investigation of M-H systems in both cases, with and without phase transformations.The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of metal-hydrogen ͑M-H͒ system have been extensively investigated for scientific and industrial interests. Especially, the hydrogen diffusion behavior in metals at high temperatures is worth investigating for energy-related applications. When considering hydrogen energy systems, which include hydrogen absorbing alloys and hydrogen permeation membranes, higher operating temperature has the advantage of achieving higher overall energy efficiency. Furthermore, investigation of hydrogen diffusion behavior in elemental metals and their alloy at high temperatures is very important to understanding the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism of structural materials.Hydrogen diffusion behavior in metals has been investigated by several methods, such as nuclear magnetic resonance ͑NMR͒, 1-5 quasi-elastic neutron scattering ͑QNS͒ measurement, 6-8 and internal friction measurement. 9 They give the self-diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in metals, which corresponds to jump frequency of hydrogen atoms. The gas-volumetric method, 10-12 nuclear physics, 13,14 Gorsky effect measurement, 15,16 and the electrochemical method [17][18][19][20][21][22] give the chemical diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in metals, which is crucial when considering practical applications.