In contrast to the single-stranded circular molecules produced with denatured DNA from other adenoviruses, there was associated with nearly all circular molecules of adenovirus type 18 a visible, duplex projection.These projections had a mean contour length of 0.31 ± 0.12 ,sm, equivalent to approximately 3% of genome length. Individual (3)(4)(5). At present the DNA of only one other group of viruses, the adenovirus-associated viruses (AAV), has been found to contain a similar type of repetition (6). Because of these repetitious sequences, the ends of single-stranded DNA molecules can self-anneal to form circles closed by a duplex hydrogenbonded segment. Although the arrangement of sequences within the repetition should be apparent from the morphology of the closure region, in the case of adenovirus DNA this region apparently has been too short to visualize by electron microscopy. We have recently found, however, that preparations of denatured human adenovirus type 18 (Ad 18) DNA can yield up to 80% single-stranded circular molecules which contain a visible projection or "panhandle." In the present report we show that these projections are duplex structures and that they are produced by annealing of the inverted terminal repetition with corresponding complementary sequences at the opposite end of the strand. They thus represent the hydrogen-bonded segments closing circular molecules and consequently provide direct, visual evidence for the arrangement of sequences within the inverted terminal repetition of an adenovirus DNA.
MATERIALS AND METHODSViruses and Viral DNA. Human adenovirus serotypes 18 and 31 were prototype strains and were obtained from Flow Laboratories (Rockville, Md.) and H. Shimojo, respectively. Both viruses had been plaque-purified and were free of AAV contamination. Stock pools were prepared by passage in primary human embryonic kidney cells (HEM Research, Inc., Rockville, Md.). Viruses were produced in suspension cultures of KB cells and purified as described (7). The extraction of intact adenovirus DNA from bands of CsCl-purified virus was carried out as before (8)