This report describes a computational study to understand the unsteady free-flight aerodynamics and flight dynamics of a finned projectile with jet control. Numerical simulations have been performed for this projectile with jet maneuver using an advanced coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD)/rigid body dynamics (RBD) technique. The coupled CFD/RBD method allows time-accurate, virtual fly-out simulations of projectiles and simultaneously predicts the aerodynamics and the flight dynamics in an integrated manner. The control is provided by a transient pulsed jet which is activated only once in the beginning for a fixed duration and then turned off for the remaining trajectory computation. Computed results show the actual time-dependent response of the flight vehicle and the resulting unsteady aerodynamics and flight dynamics with jet control for a variety of conditions. Nomenclature = diameter = reference area = mass = moment of inertia tensor , / = total velocity of projectile, velocity of center of gravity with respect to inertial frame = dynamic pressure = Mach number , , = pitch, yaw, total angle-of-attack , , = aerodynamic and/or jet forces acting on projectile , , = gravity forces acting on projectile , , = aerodynamic and/or jet moments acting on projectile = axial force coefficient = normal force coefficient = roll damping moment coefficient = pitching moment coefficient = pitch damping moment coefficient This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. AIAA Aviation 2 = dynamic side force coefficient = dynamic side moment coefficient = aerodynamic roll angle , , = inertial position , , = inertial translational velocity , , = body-fixed coordinate system translational velocity , , = time rate of change of body-fixed coordinate system translational velocity , , = fixed-plane coordinate system translational velocity , , = Euler angles , , = time rate of change of Euler angles , , = body-fixed coordinate system rotational velocity , , = time rate of change of body-fixed coordinate system rotational velocity , , , = quaternions , , , = time rate of change of quaternions , , = body-fixed coordinate system / velocity of center of gravity with respect to inertial frame