As discussed in Chap. 1, energy storage through solid-liquid phase change is inherently a transient process and is best suited for systems that experience repeated transients, such as on-off or periodic peaking cycles, or for those systems which require thermal energy storage for later use. PCMs are commonly used in applications for both thermal management and for thermal energy storage.Interest in PCMs for thermal management of systems can be traced back at least through the 1970s. NASA in particular was interested in the use of PCMs as what were then referred to as "thermal capacitors" and PCMs were implemented in several moon vehicles and in Skylab [1]. The 1977 NASA tech brief "A Design Handbook for Phase Change Thermal Control and Energy Storage Devices" [2] was one of the first comprehensive PCM references, and is still widely cited and used today.During the 1970s and 1980s, interest was also building in the application of PCMs in solar systems [3-5] for thermal energy storage in both large solar plants, and in smaller domestic applications such as domestic hot water systems. The concept of embedding PCMs in various types of building materials, such as wallboard and floorboards, in order to create houses and offices with lower heating and cooling loads for greater energy efficiency, also began in the 1970s/80s [6,7]. Simultaneously, a significant amount of fundamental research was being completed on PCMs, considering in-depth the melting and solidification processes, and the roles of conduction and natural convection on the phase change processes [8][9][10][11].With the growth of computing power through the 1980s and 1990s, integrated circuits began dissipating significant amounts of heat and PCM applications in the thermal management of high performance, military and consumer electronics came on the scene in the late 1990s [12][13][14]. More recently, PCMs have seen application in textile design for energy absorbing clothing for military and consumer products [15].