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AbstractThis paper proposes a perturbation-based approach to implement the idea of endogenous …nancial risk in a standard DSGE macro-model. Recent papers, such as Mendoza (2010), Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2012) and He and Krishnamurthy (2012), that have stimulated the research …eld on endogenous risk in a macroeconomic context, are based on sophisticated solution methods that are not easily applicable in larger models. We propose an approximation method that allows us to capture some of the basic insights of this literature in a standard macro-model. We are able to identify an important risk-channel that derives from the risk aversion of constrained intermediaries and that contributes signi…cantly to the overall …nancial and macro volatility. With this procedure, we obtain a consistent and computationally-e¢ cient modelling device that can be used for integrating …nancial stability concerns within the traditional monetary policy analysis.The views expressed in this paper are the authors'and do not necessarily re ‡ect those of the National Bank of Belgium. We would like to thank Michel Julliard for his advice on implementing higher-order perturbation methods in Dynare.