3860 mA h g −1 for metallic Li versus 372 mA h g −1 for graphite) and lowest redox voltage (−3.04 V versus standard hydrogen electrode) among all the anodes, exhibiting great promise as high-performance anode in the next-generation highenergy-density lithium-based rechargeable batteries. [3] Nevertheless, nearly infinite volume expansion/shrinkage and inhomogeneous stripping/plating behavior lead to the growth of dendritic behaviors of metallic Li, which would cause short circuits and other safety issues. [3b,4] Accompanied by large volume change, repeated fracture and repair of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) occurs during the charge/ discharge processes, which causes continuous consumption of active lithium and electrolyte, and finally inferior cycling stability. [5] Recently, extensive studies on electrode surface protection, composite structure, and electrolyte engineering have been conducted to improve the cycle life and safety hazards of metallic Li electrode. [6] However, highly overloaded lithium metal anodes (e.g., 500 µm for ≈100 mA h cm −2 ) and flooding amount of electrolytes were often employed for the evaluation of electrochemical performance of metallic Li. The use of thick Li metal anodes and excessive electrolyte does not support high energy density of batteries and are not feasible in practical applications. Therefore, high-performance ultrathin lithium metal anodes (e.g., 10-50 µm) that possess matched capacities with current cathodes are of key importance to practical battery application. However, the high homologous temperature (T h , for metallic lithium, T h is 0.66 at room temperature) of metallic Li at room temperature leads a strong influence of diffusion creep on its deformation, [7] and the resulting sticky nature and poor mechanical processability make it challenging to realize large-scale fabrication of ultrathin pure Li metal electrode by regular mechanical rolling operation.Free-standing ultrathin metallic Li foil cannot sustain operation for battery fabrication and large current in real application condition, it is of great importance for the employment of current collector with high conductivity and mechanical durability for the practical implantation of ultrathin metallic Li anode in high-energy-density batteries, which is similar to metal current collector for traditional porous electrodes (e.g., graphite on Cu foil). Cu foil is lithiophobic to molten lithium, which